About us
We are specialist in Human Factors and offer you the opportunity to strengthen your business through developing your employees, reducing risk and improving performance. We work across cultures, truly bringing the know how of today's multicultural business needs.
With proven experience in high-risk industries, KM Flight Research & Training Consultancy can design and deliver selection processes that will reduce your cost base and risks. Help you meet the challenges of Fatigue Risk Management, develop your safety culture and get the best out of your people.
We offer you the advantages of the synergies of aviation psychology, health ergonomics, combined with the proven flight operations senior management and training experience. We truly believe that people are your biggest asset and people is our business.
How compatible is a personality of the future employees with the organisational culture of your company?
What we do
“Organisational cultures built on trust & awareness drive engagement, which ultimately drives business & financial performance”.
Our lead psychologist & MD.,
Prof. Karina Mesarosova, Ph.D., MBPsS, MCIEHF, MEAAP